
Why Do We Ignore "Best Practices"? - Susan Cramm - Harvard Business Review

Why does management behavior often diverge from "broadly accepted" theory or best practice?

This question hit me over the head (once again) during a conversation with a talented, young CIO about a big project that was significantly late and over budget. Ask anyone experienced in the world of IT or change management, and they will tell you that the best way to pull off a big project is to break it up in to a series of small ones. Yet, this CIO decided to push forward with an approach that he knew was risky and likely to stumble and possibly fail. When I asked him why he pursued this course, he answered, "The other approach would have taken too much time." Of course, the perception of "too much time" is relative and based upon others' expectations. Right now, this CIO is taking "too much time" explaining to his board why he and his team are failing to deliver a better result.

Susan Cramm

Susan Cramm is the founder and president of Valuedance and a recognized industry expert on information technology leadership and coaching.

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Best practices? ..manage the change & change the manage!

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Nummi: What Toyota Learned and GM Didn't - Now, New, Next

ben_gomes_casseres.jpgLast week, Toyota announced it will close the plant of New United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated (Nummi), its one-time joint venture with GM to make cars in California. (GM had pulled out of the JV in July.) It was third-page news in the financial section, but the passing of an era nonetheless. Nummi represented the first footstep of Toyota in US production, taken in the early 1980s, deep in the last recession. The plant never made money, but allowed Toyota to learn a lot — less so GM.

This 25-year history of turn-about may foreshadow the future as we come out of the current crisis.


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The internet at forty ..A mid-life crisis threatens its future | The Economist

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Facebook joins Yahoo on interactive TV

We love TV: Sympson 2.0 ..or what?

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Clay Shirky on institutions vs. collaboration

Scenari collaborativi non sempre hanno vita facile in strutture organizzative generate da modelli gararchici.

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Clay Shirky: How social media can make history

Rimane uno dei video che rivedo con piacere!

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